Events (all Pacific Times)

Filtering by: “The Road to 2022”

Lunch and Launch: The Road to 2022 - A CP Community Fundraiser

Lunch and Launch: The Road to 2022 - A CP Community Fundraiser

The path to a more just and inclusive democracy runs through the 2022 midterm elections, and Common Power is fully committed to investing our time and treasure. We are forming our fieldwork teams, with voter mobilization in Virginia this autumn our launching point. Please join us for an hour of inspiration, and take action by helping us raise some funds to support sending our next-generation leaders into the field. Enjoy your lunch and come ready to connect with others about your favorite food, and we’ll all hear from these speakers:

  • Dr. Terry Scott, Hood College Professor of History and Common Power We the People Public Scholar Fellow

  • Bob and Pamela Zellner, civil rights warriors and 2022 CP Team Leads

  • Maya Castillo, New Virginia Majority Political Director

Please buy tickets and register here:

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Common Power State Teams Fair

Common Power State Teams Fair

Join Common Power as we kick-off our fieldwork program on the ROAD TO 2022! Come hear about each of our 7 state teams, meet state team leaders, find out when and where we will be doing work and — most importantly — reconnect with Common Power staff and volunteers.

This event will be happen entire virtually to ensure we keep our staff and volunteers safe.

Please register for the event here (choose virtual ticket!): . Hope to see you all soon!

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Live From Virginia: Tram Ngyuen, Co-ED of New Virginia Majority

Live From Virginia: Tram Ngyuen, Co-ED of New Virginia Majority

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Join us to hear about what is at stake in the upcoming Virginia elections and why you should get involved. Tram Nguyen, co-Executive Director of New Virginia Majority, will be joining us and sharing what is happening in the state, what races are most critical to holding the gains from 2019 and how we can all get involved. We also will have Hala Ayala, candidate for Lt. Governor speaking with us! Hope to see you there!

Zoom Registration Link:

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14 MONTHS, 7 STATES, 1 MISSION: The Road to 2022

14 MONTHS, 7 STATES, 1 MISSION: The Road to 2022

Elections have consequences. Who runs and who gets elected REALLY matters. 2020 saved America, barely. But now we face a set of lies from Donald Trump and aligned Republicans about elections and voting that has the potential -- indeed, the likelihood if we don't intervene now -- to undermine the future of American democracy. We have 14 months to the 2022 elections, and we can impact the outcome If. We. Do. Voter. Work. This lecture is focused on 7 key states that (a) will be crucial for control of the US Congress, and (b) have a number of vital governor and state Supreme Court elections.

Click into the event details for more information on how to register for this event.

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