Events (all Pacific Times)

Filtering by: “Forthepeople”

DemCast Office Hours

DemCast Office Hours

Join Betty and Bert, and learn how to take actionable steps through social media to help aid in the fight for Voting Justice. This is a 1-hour introductory session to DemCast Campaign that will include step by step instructions on navigating the DemCast platform and a in-depth tutorial on how to post directly to Twitter and Facebook.

Click into event details for more information on how to join.

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DemCast Office Hours

DemCast Office Hours

Join Betty and Bert, and learn how to take actionable steps through social media to help aid in the fight for Voting Justice. This is a 1-hour introductory session to DemCast Campaign that will include step by step instructions on navigating the DemCast platform and a in-depth tutorial on how to post directly to Twitter and Facebook.

Click into event details for more information on how to join.

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DemCast Office Hours

DemCast Office Hours

Join Betty and Bert, and learn how to take actionable steps through social media to help aid in the fight for Voting Justice. This is a 1-hour introductory session to DemCast Campaign that will include step by step instructions on navigating the DemCast platform and a in-depth tutorial on how to post directly to Twitter and Facebook.

Click into event details for more information on how to join.

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DFAD: Why Ethical Governance is the Backbone of Democracy + CP: Closing Celebration

DFAD: Why Ethical Governance is the Backbone of Democracy + CP: Closing Celebration

Why is ethical governance essential to our democracy? This session takes attendees through the corruption-fighting provisions of the For the People Act, offers perspectives from grassroots activism on ethics, explains how these policies would help strengthen and protect Black and brown political power, and highlights why we are facing a historical moment for building a truly representative and accountable government.

Pease click into the event details to learn more about how to join this event.

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DFAD: Ensuring Every Vote Counts + CP: Debrief

DFAD: Ensuring Every Vote Counts + CP: Debrief

The right and the freedom to vote includes being able to be confident that every vote will be counted as cast. The For the People Act invests in our voting systems to ensure that we can not only have secure voting systems but also have paper ballots and audits to check the paper against electronic vote counts.

Please click into the event details to learn more about how to join this event.

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DFAD: Democracy on the Ropes

DFAD: Democracy on the Ropes

Join Ari Berman, Kathy Boockvar, Nse Ufot, Rachel Gilmer, Thomas Harvey, and Judith Browne Dianis, and learn how communities across the country are fighting back against voter suppression and the criminalization of protest. Hear the organizing strategies, litigation and tools organizers, election administrators and legal experts are using to combat this attack on democracy.

Please click into the event details to learn more about how to join this event.

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DFAD: Reclaiming our Districts: A Redistricting Intro For the People

DFAD: Reclaiming our Districts: A Redistricting Intro For the People

Join the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, and State Voices for a teach-in about redistricting and the For the People Act! We will discuss how the redistricting cycle is going to work this year, how the For the People Act would impact it in the future, and what you can do to get involved.

Please click into the event details to learn more about how to join this event.

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DFAD: S. 1 & H.R. 4: The Fight for Voting Rights in 2021 + CP: Debrief Happy Hour

DFAD: S. 1 & H.R. 4: The Fight for Voting Rights in 2021 + CP: Debrief Happy Hour

All across America, voting rights are under attack. Voter turnout was the highest it’s been in over a century, and states are responding by limiting voting access, especially targeting voters of color.

In at least 43 states, over 250 bills are moving to restrict your vote! There is a bill in Congress RIGHT NOW that would stop this in its tracks. The For The People Act (S. 1) would advance an inclusive democracy, where every vote counts and every voice matters. But it can only pass with your support! Come learn how YOU & the For The People Act and H.R. 4 can transform our democracy.

Please click into the event details to learn more about how to join this event.

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For The People Week of Action Kick-Off!

For The People Week of Action Kick-Off!

As part of the “Declaration for American Democracy” (DFAD) coalition, Common Power is participating in a week of action for the “For the People Act”. The “For the People Act” is a transformative structural reform package that strengthens our democracy, gets big money out of politics, and holds public officials accountable. Join us, and our DFAD partners, from April 5th- 9th in both learning and action.

To learn more and get involved, come to our kick-off! Have a cup of coffee with our new Executive Director, Charles, until 10am when we’ll go over the plan for the week and the context of this huge moment for American democracy.

Please join the zoom link here. Meeting ID: 857 2502 0891 Passcode: 4thepeople

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