Workshop Recap: Our WA work + Adrianne Shropshire

The first of what we hope to be many events held at the Northwest African American Museum brought sunshine, a new level of engagement and two special guests to our community.

A few highlights:

  • We: The Audreys (Audrey Musewe and Audrey Vaughan) opened us up with an interactive activity focused on the power of “We” both in our personal experiences and within Common Purpose.

  • Accountability: Jamielyn led us through updates on our Washington State Accountability Initiative for the Spring, along with highlights from the Captains who are assisting with the effort.

  • Represent: Common Purpose Advisor Kiana Scott welcomed State Rep Gale Tarleton as they closed out the WA-focused Accountability segment by reinforcing the power of contacting our elected officials directly.

  • Caucus: Continuing on-the-ground civic fieldwork as our major focus (even in electoral off-cycle years), we held our “mini-caucus” for CPers to speak directly with State Captains leading teams to Virginia, Florida and Wisconsin (sign ups here), as well as WA Accountability Captains and a local 2020 Census expert. All great avenues for individuals to make an impact locally or nationally.

  • Organizing: We closed our workshop with a Q&A with Adrianne Shropshire, founder and Executive Director of BlackPAC and friend of Common Purpose. A more candid conversation than her previous visit, Adrianne provided her genuine perspectives on the Presidential race, political upheaval in Virginia, insight on the future of Stacey Abrams as well as very relevant guidance to CP volunteers and leadership.

Be on the lookout for more info from us on upcoming Common Purpose workshops and events!


Behind-the-Scenes: Civic Accelerator Update


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