Begin again...

Common Purpose didn’t start in 2018.

It started with newly heard voices walking the streets of DC in 2017.

…with outstretched hands at an airport in Seattle

…with a pilgrimage to the south

and a university lecture.

It started in the living room of concerned neighbors.

And again after consoling a worried child.

It started with a conversation over dinner, and a promise between friends

…with a determined group of young leaders

…and with unsure feet to unfamiliar pavement, brave hands to waiting doors

Common Purpose didn’t start in 2018. It started again.

This January 2019, it starts yet again in an effort to continue helping people utilize their civic voice, and to help them become multipliers for others to do the same. Because ours is not to finish this fight, but to ready ourselves to continue, now and into the future.

To fall and rise again.

To win and begin again.

Join us.


Workshop Recap: Our WA work + Adrianne Shropshire


A Movement, Not a Moment, in Pinellas County, Florida