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VICE-PRESIDENTS: From JFK to Joe Biden (2 of 2)

This is a two-lecture series July 20 + July 22. Here are the details: There are differing theories of the best ways to select vice-presidential candidates. Sometimes the goal is to expand a presidential candidate’s Electoral College map. Other times the goal might be to double-down on a presidential candidate’s ideological or personal “brand”. And sometimes the goal is to show boldness. These lectures examine VP selections in the television era -- beginning with JFK’s choice of LBJ in 1960 -- and lay out what might we expect at the end of July from Joe Biden, who is on track to become the oldest major-party nominee for the Presidency in US history and thus faces a pivotal VP selection. 

There are five levels of registration for these lectures, starting at FREE and working their way up (the content is the same across the levels; the different price points are merely for you to pick the one you wish!). The lectures will be on Zoom live at 7 pm PDT time on the dates AND recorded for folks to watch via Zoom or Youtube on your own timing.  Registrants will receive viewing instructions one day in advance of lectures and then one hour before lectures.  

To register for the lectures, here’s the signup:

July 20

VICE-PRESIDENTS: From JFK to Joe Biden (1 of 2)

July 23

AJ's Lunch & Learn