Action Academy ‘24 Reflection From Program Manager

Hello Common Power Community!

My name is Blossom Pianwi, and I’m the current Program Manager for Action Academy, a 10-week program focused on civic engagement and voter history education within the CPFuture department at Common Power (CP). Fun fact: Action Academy is where my journey with CP began!

My CP Journey

Back in the Spring of 2021—right in the middle of the pandemic—I received an email at Hood College about a virtual 10-week program offering a $1,000 stipend. As a college student, it was a no-brainer, so I signed up! The following year, I was invited back as a Crew Lead for the 2022 cohort. After that, CPFuture offered a great opportunity to work on a Misinformation and Disinformation Campaign alongside Ahmed Baba, an Action Academy guest speaker and owner of Rantt Media. A few other Crew Leads and students joined the initiative, and let me tell youit was SO fun! We learned how to spot fake news, distinguish misinformation from disinformation, and even how to handle internet trolls coming after us for our liberal views. This experience brought me closer to the CPFuture team.

In 2023, I started working as a contractor, helping Larcy, and I eventually became a Program Assistant for that year’s Action Academy cohort. I was SO nervous! But Larcy, Asha, Binh, and Charles saw something in me I hadn’t yet recognized—a natural ability to lead. Later that year, with Larcy’s belief in me and the freedom she gave me to take charge, I developed a 6-month internship program called Campus Leads. We recruited 14 students—8 from the East Coast and 6 from the West Coast—who had completed Action Academy and wanted to continue working with CPFuture. Elizabeth Hernandez, a CPFuture contractor, joined me in this effort. During the internship, students practiced networking, mobilizing, and educating by recruiting others for the 2024 Action Academy, phone banking and text banking with their peers, and conducting voter registration drives on their campuses. By 2023, I had gone from overseeing 7 Crew Leads and 100 students in Action Academy to creating my own 6-month program with 14 students spread across the country! The impact of this work became evident when Larcy and I noticed a huge increase in interest from the colleges involved in Campus Leads.

In early 2024, we opened the Action Academy application, and by March, we had 170 applicants. By April, we were up to over 200 applications, with 30+ people applying to be Crew Leads. With such a massive cohort, we needed more of everything—more staff, more structure, more planning! By May, I was offered a full-time position at CP, transitioning from a contractor to a CPFuture Associate. In this role, I now oversee programs, manage our teams, and build relationships with Gen Z. It's wild to think that I started with CP as a 21-year-old STEM student, and now, at 24, I'm preparing to be a graduate student. I’ve truly watched myself blossom into a leader!

Before Action Academy, I had minimal management experience. When I became Program Assistant in 2023, I was thrown into the deep end. My days were packed with meetings with Larcy to plan the week, coordinating with Crew Leads, emailing guest speakers, hosting sessions, arranging recordings, and managing student payments. The following year, managing 30+ people only amplified these responsibilities. We developed a system for dividing and managing our growing team, and let me tell you, it was intense! As you'll see in the breakdown of our team below for 2024:

Challenges in Managing

Managing such a large and diverse group comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the biggest was ensuring effective communication across different time zones, schedules, and interests. To tackle this, I made it a point to have one-on-one meetings with each potential Crew Lead to learn their schedules and plan accordingly. Another challenge was introducing remote work to students who were more familiar with in-person environments. To help with this, we held a Crew Lead Retreat where we discussed expectations, responsibilities, and the ins and outs of working remotely.

The Crew Lead Retreat in Seattle has been one of the most rewarding experiences for me. Many of you in the CP community had the chance to meet some of our Crew Leads this year during the retreat, and even canvassed with them. Hosting over 30 Gen Z leaders—many of whom had never traveled before—was incredible. The retreat is a crash course in leadership development, job training, and bonding. It's one of the few times we get all our new CPFuture leaders under one roof to learn, grow, and make mistakes together, truly embodying the motto "Further Together."

 Mentoring Gen Z

Working with Gen Z is one of the best parts of my job. I relate to them, love hearing their stories, and I’m always inspired by their visions for the future of America. My mentorship style mirrors the autonomy Larcy gave me—I want to empower these young leaders to create their own programs and express their ideas. Mentoring remotely involves FaceTime calls, texts, and emails to check in, offer support, and ensure they feel open to giving me feedback. By creating a space where they feel secure and heard, I build strong relationships with them. So when we meet in person, it's like reconnecting with old friends!

When we’re on the ground for trips, my role shifts slightly to help guide them through new environments. They learn quickly, but I often have to help them adjust their mindsets, especially when it comes to shifting focus from themselves to the mission at hand. Our pre-travel meetings and pep talks help prepare them for this adjustment.

 A Journey of Growth

Overall, managing and mentoring these bright young leaders has been a journey of personal growth for me. I’ve become better at listening, conflict resolution, and have developed more patience. I feel more grounded, mature, and eager to continue evolving as a young leader.

I love working with CPFuture because I see hope when I work with Gen Z. They embody everything I believe America should be—inclusive, caring, and resilient. CPFuture is a catalyst for change, and Gen Z is driving that change forward!


With Friends & Family: Carri Urbanski


Looking Forward to Fall with Fieldwork