In a general sense, we can understand that prolonged stress can have health issues. What is that prolonged stress comes from experiencing racism? Have you ever thought of how racism physically affects the body? What if we looked at how it can also have effects on the people perpetrating the acts too? It is hard to find an incident of racial discrimination that doesn't have some sort of effect on both parties, one impact is almost always bigger than the other.
For this session of Lunch and Learn, we are going to take a look into how the body deals with racism on a physical level and the restrictions that come with it. How white folks are also affected by racism? No, I’m not talking about reverse racism because that doesn’t exist. I’m talking about the ways in which white folks' lives are also hindered when there is an inequity in resources, opportunities, and more. Let’s go on this journey together and see what we discover.
Register in advance for this session:
Racism and the body: (highly recommended)
How racism affects white folks: