Cost: $25 Fee will be collected at the door via Cash or Check. Limited to 30 participants.
RSVPs Closed. Check our calendar for other ways to connect to our community!
This workshop is highly interactive as we explore issues that contribute to effective cross-cultural interactions. We will begin by looking at personal experiences, biases and privilege. We will then identify tools in the areas of cultural communication styles, cultural conflict styles, cultural value/behavior differences. Wherever you plan to work for democracy in the coming months, information and tools gained in this session will help you improve your effectiveness across cultural divides. The instructors were participants in a 2016 Civil Rights Pilgrimage and worked in Florida and Georgia for Common Purpose teams in 2018. Instructors:
· Andy Reynolds, a cross-cultural consultant and trainer, has over four decades of successful experience consulting, teaching, and training in race and gender relations, and workplace diversity and inclusion. Andy was on the faculty of the Intercultural Communication Institute for over a decade and is also Past President of SIETAR-USA (Society for Intercultural Educators, Trainers and Researchers). Andy has received both local and national leadership awards. An experienced journalist, Andy is a skilled public speaker and classroom facilitator. He has worked with organizations in the U.S., Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Andy has a strong commitment to initiating, facilitating, and participating in cross cultural dialogues and is currently engaged in several community dialogue groups with a focus on bringing politically polarized communities together to facilitate understanding and reconciliation.
· Donna M. Stringer, Ph.D. is a Cross-Cultural Consultant. She was founder and President for 27 years of a successful organization development company specializing in cross-cultural issues, located in Seattle. A social psychologist with over 40 years’ experience as a manager, teacher, researcher, and writer, Donna specializes in cross-cultural instructional design, cross-cultural communication and value systems, team building, and culture change strategies for organizations. She has worked with organizations in the U.S., Asia, Latin America, Middle East, and Europe. She has co-authored three books, several book chapters and journal articles about cross cultural values, communication, and conflict styles. She was named a Diversity Legend by the International Society of Diversity & Inclusion Professionals. Donna’s current work is focused on courageous conversations, unconscious bias, and white privilege.