In the 2022 midterms, the Democratic Party defied history and held the US Senate and almost held the US House. Can they do it again in 2023 and win in VA (the legislature), KY (the governorship), and PA (the State Supreme Court? Or have the Republicans righted their ship and taken control in all of these states? And super important, what do the results suggest for 2024? Let's dive in and make sense of it all one week after the 2023 voting ends.
Speaker: David Domke
Lecture and Q + A both (a) will occur live at 5 pm PT on November 13 via Zoom, and (b) will be recorded for everyone to watch on your own time. Registrants will receive viewing instructions in advance of the event.
There are four levels of registration for this lecture. The content is the same across the levels; the different price points are merely for you to pick the one you wish!