We have started work for Team Virginia! Join us to phone bank with our partner organization, New Virginia Majority. We will be calling on behalf of New Virginia Majority's endorsed candidates. No experience necessary, there will be a training at the start of the meeting.
SIGN UP HERE: https://www.mobilize.us/crooked/event/408264/
Don’t forget to long your calls here!
Team VA is also hosting a brief, 30-minute check-in before we head over to New Virginia Majority's phone bank at 3:30pm. Come meet your fellow teammates, get motivated and ready to take action. Zoom link to join: here
Lastly, we also ask that you officially join Team Virginia - by clicking here. You will fill out a registration form that will get you on the email list for Team Virginia and the Team Virginia leads will send a weekly email so that you know everything this happening. Once you register, you can also join us on this new community platform by going to the website commonpower.io - there, you can meet your fellow team members, get all the details for upcoming actions and get involved.
You can learn more about what commonpower.io is, why it’s awesome and watch some videos about how to get the most out of it here — but know you can simply register, get on the email list and get weekly updates to your email, just like in years past!
If you have any challenges, please email hello@commonpower.org and we will get you help!