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AJ's Special Session: Lynching and leisure featuring Dr. Terry Scott


The lynching of Black folks is something this county has engaged in for decades. It happened in the past and it’s still happening today. We need to understand that violence is how racist white folks in this country have continued to show how they feel about the audacity of Black freedom. 

During this special session, we will dive into the many ways this country uses violence both in the past and in the present to show disdain for Blackness. We are lucky to be joined by Dr. Terry Scott, historian extraordinaire who currently the director of African American Studies and Associate Professor of American history at Hood College. I met Dr. Scott during a trip to the South with Project Pilgrimage and I credit her with my deep love for learning the factual history of the treatment of Black people in this country. Her focus includes lynching and leisure and the conversation the two of us will have will hopefully inform and educate.

I will say this upfront, this will be heavy and it will be a lot to take in but it’s absolutely imperative that we do not sanitize history. Bring your hearts and open minds to this one. History is a violent and bloody path and those who lost their lives deserve to have their stories told with reverence and truth.  

In preparation for the session, some readings to help get a better understanding of the topic before the special session. Read as many are you are able to, but if you are to read one, read the article by Dr. Scott.

RSVP here for the special session:

Dr. Terry Scott:

Ida B Well:

EJI lynching exhibit:

America’s last mass lynching:

Lynching then and now: 

Lynching bill and Rand Paul:

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