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CP in VA: Team Working in Virginia!

Common Purpose is sending over 70 volunteers to two cities in Virginia for their “midterm” elections!

In Virginia, every member of the state legislature (140 seats) is up for election this November. The state holds odd-numbered-year elections, and we have a great opportunity to shift control of the state Senate and House, from Republicans to Democrats. State legislatures are ground zero for the district-drawing that will come in the early 2020s, and Republicans currently hold a one-seat majority in each state legislative chamber.

We’re working with Virginia partner organization New Virginia Majority to help do Get-Out-The-Vote work during the final days of the campaign, Oct 31-Nov 6. Here’s a one-pager with more detail:

October 27

SeaTac City Council Slate Canvassing

November 2

SeaTac City Council Slate Canvassing